Demtaş of logistics services that you offer
Highway Transport
Logistics Demtaş its partial and complete with its own fleet of road transport installations, mainly Europe and Istanbul, Izmir and Adana are made. Every week, our import and export tools mutually mainly Germany, Benelux and Turkey serves. Complete vehicle loads all over Europe with our own fleet of vehicles can be started.
Railway Transport
Demtaş logistics, developed western world, which is the most important of the basic transport model also operates in rail transport.
Rail transport, be reliable, human dependency and hence risk of error reduced to a minimum, to be competitive costs can be formed on the route advantages and environmentally friendly solution to create as recently increased coveted a transport model.
Sea Transport
Demtaş serving the international maritime transportation logistics, at every point in the world’s container, tankers and bulk carriers as well as transport, customs clearance, transit, transportation, inland distribution has the opportunity to serve in the field.
Demtaş Logistics, both complete and partial container services by air, land and in combination with the railways all over the world can provide door to door service.